How long does it take to prepare for IELTS Exam?

The IELTS exam is a challenging test that can determine your future academic, professional, and migration opportunities. It is important to take the time to prepare to ensure the best results. Of course, if you’re planning to take the IELTS exam in the near future then you’re probably wondering how long this preparation process should take. 

On average, individuals prepare for the IELTS exam for 6-8 weeks before they feel comfortable taking it. However, this is a wholly subjective range. Depending on your English-speaking abilities, you might feel comfortable taking the IELTS exam in as little as 7 days or prefer to prepare over several months. 

preparing IELTS

In this article, we will discuss how long it should realistically take someone to prepare for the IELTS exam, not just in the number of weeks, but how many hours they should invest daily as well. Additionally, as you read, you’ll find a brief breakdown of the IELTS exam and preparation tips, so you know what topics you should study and what resources you can use to do so. 

How Much Time Should You Spend Preparing for the IELTS Exam?

There is, understandably, a great deal of pressure placed on scoring well in the IELTS exam, which is where preparation plays a key role. But what is that sweet spot between practising so little that you are underprepared on test day and practising so much that you’ve burnt yourself out by the time the exam is in front of you? 

The good news is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Every person is different and will learn at a different pace. 

While it can be helpful to know the general average amount of time people spend preparing for the IELTS exam, you don’t have to push or confine yourself to these figures. It is always best to prepare at a rate that works best for you when possible and only takes the test when you feel you are ready, not after a set amount of time has passed.

“Average” Should Not Be a Benchmark

As we mentioned previously, it is common for people to require 6-8 weeks of training before they feel confident and prepared to take the IELTS exam. However, if you are fairly experienced with the English language, it is not unfeasible that you would only require a month of consistent practice and preparation. 

How much time you can spend per day and per week on IELTS preparation plays a significant role here as well. 

Those who have the time to practice 5-6 hours a day, every day of the week will likely take the IELTS exam several weeks, if not months, before someone who only has the time to practice an hour or two a day and was not the most proficient in the English language to start.

Of course, it is relatively unfeasible for most people to spend 40 hours per week preparing for the IELTS exam. Committing 10-20 hours a week is more reasonable, but the trade-off is that it will likely take several weeks or months until you’re ready. 

Granted, in the end, any time you commit to preparing for the IELTS exam is better than nothing. Quality is also always better than quantity in these situations. You’re better off ensuring each session is productive, even if it only lasts 20 minutes, than to cram hours of stress-inducing and unfocused practice into your busty schedule for the sake of meeting an quota.  

How to Prepare for the IELTS Exam

There are many resources and strategies available to help you prepare for the IELTS exam! But with so much information available, it can be difficult to know where to start.

The best steps you can take to prepare for the IELTS exam include:

  • Understanding the exam format
  • Join preparation courses
  • Have an at-home study routine

Here are additional tips, methods, and information regarding each of these steps that will help ensure you are fully prepared for the IELTS exam.

Breakdown of IELTS Exam Format

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an exam used to measure someone’s language abilities if English is not their first language. This test is usually taken by people who want to study at an English-speaking university or who need it for professional reasons.

There are two categories for this exam: general and academic. General is taken by individuals who are moving to English-speaking countries for the purposes of PR or employment. Academic is taken by individuals who are moving to English-speaking countries for higher education or specific courses. 

While the IELTS exam is similar for both categories, you will find some differences in section formats, so make sure you know which category your exam will be ahead of time. 

Each IELTS exam consists of four sections:

The listening section consists of 40 questions asked over four sections and takes about 30 minutes to complete. The reading also has 40 questions pertaining to three different texts and takes 60 minutes to complete. 

The writing section differs between the academic and general categories. Both consist of two sections and take 60 minutes to complete. For the academic IELTS exam, the first section requires you to describe a chart, graph, table, or process, but general IELTS exam will have you write a letter. The second task for both categories is an essay. 

Finally, the speaking section is performed face-to-face with an interviewer, takes 11-14 minutes to complete, and consists of three parts:

  1. Talking about yourself/personal information
  2. 1–2-minute monologue describing something you know
  3. Discussion on more abstract topics

The more familiar you are with the timing, tasks, and flow of these sections and the IELTS exam overall, the easier and more familiar it will feel every time you take it. 

IELTS Exam Preparation Courses

One of the best ways to prepare for the IELTS exam is to join an preparation course. You can find a variety of IELTS Exam Preparation Courses available both online and offline for varying costs. 

These will give you the opportunity to:

  • Familiarize yourself with the exam format
  • Get tips and tricks from experts on how to complete these quickly and effectively
  • Take practice exams under timed conditions
  • Get feedback on your performance from people who have taken the IELTS Exam before
  • Learn the most productive and effective ways to study for the exam at home

IELTS exam preparation courses can be a great way to focus your studying and make the most of your time. They will also help you build up confidence in your abilities, which is essential come test day.

At-Home Study Routine

Studying for the IELTS exam at home is inevitable if you want your ideal score. We’ve already discussed how much time you should feasibly spend doing this. While it would be best to spend at least two hours a day, if not more, preparing for this exam, any extra time you can spare is better than none. 

It never hurst to block out time in your busy schedule every week that is dedicated solely to IELTS exam preparation. During this study period, try preparation methods such as:

  • Answering practice questions
  • Reading books or media written in English
  • Reading out loud and recording the session to review
  • Take official practice tests
  • Methodically work through each section until you’ve mastered them

Remember that your emotional and mental state during these sessions is just as important as the time spent and content learned. Be patient and positive throughout the process and don’t be afraid to take breaks whenever you notice you are becoming frustrated or discouraged. 

Final Thoughts

We often like to assign benchmarks to things like test preparation to help us feel like we’ve put in or exceeded the minimal effort required to be successful. Unfortunately, the IELTS exam doesn’t work that way. While there are averages regarding how many months and hours people spend preparing for this exam, it is always best to work at your own pace and only take the test when you feel most prepared. 

Abroad Skill

Abroad skill gives an overall idea about all the essential information and language skills one needs to acquire while planning to fly abroad. We provide useful resources on IELTS, OET, competitive exams and lot more

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